Wednesday, 21 September 2011


I subscribed to NaNoWriMo recently. 

For those who haven't heard about it yet, NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. NaNoWriMo gives its participants a challenge: write a 50'000 words novel within a month. You have the right to research beforehand, but writing must take place wholly between Nov 1 and Nov 30. 

I am doing this because, now that I've started, I realized that with the full support of my fiancee whom I love with all my heart, I really want to become an author. In the last months, I have spent quite a bit of time preparing to write, attempting the beginning of a story that didn't pan out and taking what I assumed would be a boring novella to a level of preparation that I think I can make very good, in due time. I am devising what I believe to be a high-quality original mythology, which is so hard to do when comparing to the naturally-selected myths that survived to this day (

So now that I believe in myself fully, I've invested in a laptop (cannot do NaNoWriMo without a laptop), subscribed to the contest and decided I need to put out a first draft, if only to see what it feels like. It is very possible that I will reject the whole damned thing at one point and start over, but I'd rather do that now than later, with years of preparing stuff that just don't work once applied in a novel. 

If anybody wants to add me to their NaNoWriMo buddy list, my username is Gamashire.

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